
Maintenance Management Template Excel


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The maintenance management template excel is a great tool to use for managing your maintenance. This is a tool that can be used by anyone who wants to manage their maintenance, whether it is for their home or office. The template is very user friendly and easy to use. It comes with a lot of features that will help you manage your maintenance easily.

Work order management is a critical part of any business that relies on maintenance and repairs to keep things running smoothly. By keeping track of all the work orders that come in, businesses can ensure that each one is addressed in a timely and efficient manner.

There are a few different ways to manage work orders, but the most important thing is to have a system in place that works for your business.

How to use the Maintenance Managment Template Excel

We have created a detailed set of video instructions. Please watch these instructions. They contain very important tips, guidelines and examples.

  1. On the home screen we have access to service orders, equipment, technicians’ names, dashboard, and administration panel. Still on this screen, we have the number of pending service orders, open service orders in that month, and the monthly maintenance cost.In addition, we also have the reminder board, which you can fill in with your appointments for the week.
  2. First, let’s access the “technicians” tab, where you can register technicians by informing the ID, name, phone #, skills, and some extra information such as work shift, or something like that
  3. In the equipment register, we have a column with information about the ID of the equipment, its description, technical information, manufacturer, and there is also the possibility of adding a photo in the cell to improve the equipment reference.
  4.  Once I have the record of equipment and technicians, we can browse work orders

Buy Maintenance Management Template Excel now and start managing your company maintenance efficiently.



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